Science backed benefits

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Longer, deeper sleep
Regular sauna therapy sessions can stimulate the release of endorphins and other relaxing hormones in the body, leading to deeper and more restful sleep.
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Enhanced relaxation and stress reduction
Studies have shown that extended time in the Sauna can reduce stress via the release of endorphins, promoting a state of calm and well-being.
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Improved cardiovascular health and blood circulation
Heat exposure tells the heart to pump more blood, enhancing blood circulation around the body. This can result in a healthier heart, a decrease in arterial stiffness, and better oxygen supply to the tissues, potentially lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease.
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Reduced blood pressure
Regular sauna use can lead to a temporary decrease in blood pressure as blood vessels become more flexible and expand to adapt to the heat.
Improved muscular recovery
Various studies show that heat therapy can increase blood flow to the muscles, helping to speed up recovery post-exercise. It can also alleviate muscle soreness, increase flexibility, and decrease recovery time, contributing to better athletic performance.
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Greater immune function
Heat therapy can stimulate the production of white blood cells, boosting the body's immune response.
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Pain relief
Saunas can alleviate pain by improving circulation and reducing inflammation in the body. The heat can help to relax tense muscles and soothe joint pain, offering relief from conditions like arthritis and fibromyalgia, and also general aches and pains.
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